Tales of daring do? Not really. Just an opportunity to post a few comments, activities and events that mark my life. Although Facebook seems to be the norm today, I prefer to have my own, private diary of events. If you have access to these pages, please enjoy. If not, you won't even notice the difference.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Where I went #01
OK, so I didn't post updates while I was away. But at least let me play catch-up.
Week one started with a run to Perth on the Friday, a couple of nights with family and friends, out to Northam (ditto), then the real holiday began.
On the way to Northam I called in at the Mundaring Weir and this caught my eye. I know; it's a chimney. But check out the height of it and the tree next to it...
Now that tree was big. So the chimney is a whopper.
Day 1, Northam - Cunderdin - Dowerin
Anyone going through Cunderdin, don't only look at the odd pub...
The savvy traveller should also take the time to view the museum. Lots to see, and well presented. They even have an earthquake simulator to show what it was like in the Meckering earthquake of October 1968. It sure put the frighteners into me.
Days 2 & 3, Dowerin - Mingenew
With a couple of days at Mingenew, I decided to ride out to the Coalseam Park and view the wildflowers. Although still a bit early in the season, there was plenty to see and photograph. Which I did. Only to find on my return to Mingenew that I had the camera set to take black and white images.
Back in the day when B&W was the only ready option, we could show a photo and tell people about the colours we had seen. Their imagination did the rest. This time, I won't even show the photos. Just use your imagination. Think flowers!
Days 4 & 5, Mingenew - Dongara - Geraldton - Mullewa
Throughout this ride I didn't take many photos until I arrived in Mullewa. Geraldton was more a relatives visiting stage, Dongara was just a place along the way. I did stop and spend a leisurely hour or so at the Geraldton museum, though. WHile it might sound like I have a fascination with old stuff, it is very nice museum, with very informative displays. Take a walk through and read the story of the HMAS Sydney II, right up to its discovery in March 2008.
Next post, New Norcia